
Hjemmeside / Bønner

Røde bønner

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Beans may have a positive impact on health when eaten as a replacement for meat or other protein sources that are high in cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol is one way to lower your risk of heart disease and improve your heart health. Kidney beans are one of the healthiest types of beans to use as a protein source, with slightly less fat and saturated fat than other varieties of bean but with comparable amounts of fiber and protein.

Hvite bønner

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White beans have a high nutrient density and fairly low calorie count. Combined with their high fiber and protein content, these attributes may promote a healthy body weight. Foods high in fiber and protein have been shown to promote feelings of fullness, leaving you less likely to overeat.Tender, with an earthy, nutty flavor, they make a great addition to soups, stews, chilis, and other dishes.

Bakte bønner

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Fava beans, or broad beans, are a type of bean that's eaten around the world. They're high in protein and other important nutrients. Eating fava beans can help with weight loss, aid in your body's immunity, and provide other health benefits.Broad beans are an excellent vegetable source of protein and fibre.

Grønne erter

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Canned peas are a low-calorie, saturated fat- and cholesterol-free source of dietary fiber, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. According to the National Institutes of Health, canned vegetables like canned peas do not contain as high a concentration of nutrients as their fresh counterparts, but they still can boost your nutrition, especially when fresh peas are unavailable. Eat canned peas cooked or straight from the container.


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Svarte bønner

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They're considered nutritional powerhouses that are rich in plant-based protein, fiber, and antioxidants that help manage blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels. Like most legumes, black beans contain antinutrients that may affect your digestion and mineral absorption.


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Kontoradresse (eksport): Guangzhou-kontor: nr. 610-611, Shu NJ ing handelssenter, nr. 855, industrivei sør, H Aizhu-distriktet, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Shanghai-kontor: nr.806-807, kalt inn AI, nr. 333, bane 1, jin-lignende vei, PU forstår nytt område, Shanghai, Kina (fastlandet)

Fabrikkadresse: Xinjiang: industriell økonomisk og teknologisk utviklingssone sa han Qingshui Xinjiang Kina (fastlandet) Guangzhou: nr. 91 Z Ijing road, dongsha økonomisk og høyteknologisk sone, fang landsby, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Hubei: Xichu Industrial Park, Zigui, Hubei, Kina (fastlandet)

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